4 jobs i've had that won't go back to
1.Sweet Eugene's-bad pay, bad hours, annoying christian culture junkies and the local witch craft group.
2.Foot Locker-great pay, buuuut...no
3.Young Life Student Staff-got paid by asking people to send money to YL, they took a cut and I didn't really get anything???
4. Black Market Body Parts Smuggler-no comment
4 movies i've watched on repeat

4.Last of the Mohicans
4 TV shows
1.Best Damn Sports Show Ever
2.Family Guy
3.X-men and batman cartoons
Oh yeah in yo4ur face Mol Jr...I mean3 Lost...dang it!!
4 Vacation's I'd like
1. Assend Everest

2.Safari the entire continent of Africa
3.A years stay in the white house
4.Virgin Islands
4 websites besides blogs i visit daily
1.Major League Baseball.com
2.anything Google
3.Aggieland Federal Credit Union
Lust Worthy Foods
1. Whataburger

2.Odwalla Superfood
3.Carne Guizada from Los Nortenos
Changes to my house
1.floor length side by side urinals

2.computer from startrek to tell me everthing
3.time warp so that no time passes outside when i'm inside
4.my own rockwall
4 beers and people i would drink them with
1. Ziegen Bock-the green girl from the C.S Lewis book Perelandra

2. Dos Equis Amber-Kate Beckinsale
3. Shiner Bock-Job from the book of Job
4. Kegs of all three-all the guys who expected their names to be on this list
4 things that should have been lists
1. top 4 dream jobs
2. top 4 things to do with 4 legal pardons
3. top 4 country's to own
4. top four reasons why texas should become it's own country
4 tags
i don't really know many other people with blogs so if you want to go ahead and get crazy with it, but let me know so i can look
Well done flex, I especially love the beers with chicks and kegs with dudes to tell about the beers with chicks feature.
again,well done. Keep the posts coming, I love checking.
well, i've been waiting for a tag so I'll take this as my tag.
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