Wednesday, September 14, 2005

The Senses

Readers will have to forgive the incomplete and sporadic nature of this post.

What is it that includes any entity into the realm of the existing, or the realm of “thing”. Certainly trees, buildings, and people are all things. We can see, feel, smell, hear, and taste them. But what of entities like love and hate, or angels and spirits. Do they exist? Some would say that they exist on different plains of reality. I don’t think so. Many would debate the existence of things that our five senses can not register. Existentialism seem to be the focus of many of these beliefs. Some would say that God being cognitively aware of all of His creation all the time would suffice to support the idea that we all exist. What of the things we can’t see. Certainly He is cognitive of things we can not sense. I think there has been a lack of attention placed on the fact that we can not see everything that exists. Or hear, touch, taste, or feel them either.

Astronomy says that the human eye can only see what reflects the light waves that are within the range of human eye site; red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet. Likewise with hearing, smelling and tasting there is a spectrum of all of these senses but we only register certain portions of the spectrum. What of touch though? Does the sense of touch work on a spectrum as well? We can feel wind but we can’t see it. We can feel heat and cold, but we can’t smell, see, hear, or taste it. Likewise we can’t feel most of the things we smell or hear. I would say that the ranges that our senses operate within are positioned differently along the continuum of existing entities as a grand part of the Lord’s design.

Imagine if all of the ranges that our senses operate on coincided with each other. What if everything we could feel we could also smell, taste, hear and see. What would the wind look like? What color would it be? Would love exist as something we could register with all five senses? What would blue or green smell and taste like? Then of course we may wonder about that elusive sixth sense that I often equate with the spiritual.

I think that when we believe and say that all will be revealed when we get to heaven is a much grander idea than people realize. Many people say they will be bathed in love once in heaven. They often only mean it as an emotional feeling that will be consistently felt. But what if love has a state of matter that we will only be able to register on all levels of out senses once we attain our heavenly bodies? Is that what is so great about our heavenly bodies. And maybe our heavenly bodies operate on a much grander scale than just five senses. Perhaps a person isn’t just something we can feel, taste, smell, hear and see, but something we can experience on much greater level. When we get to heaven we will really be able to not only bathe in love, but eat it too.

Surely all of nature was not created with the same functions of the senses. I wonder what animals can hear and see and smell that we can’t. In heaven, if all is revealed we’ll know what angels look, smell, taste, sound, and feel like. I think we may also be able to register the father’s love for us as well on a much grander scale.

1 comment:

Justin Hancock said...

I enjoyed your words. I'm missing you bro. One day there will be much to share, much to learn. But, I believe that will be best done sitting together. Not sure when, but I know we'll be there. Love you man.