i've wanted to post this song for a while, so here it is. Rilo Kiley sings this song, though i don't know the title. I cried the first time i heard this song, and a few times since. i could never understand my overwhelming relief at hearing this song until recently. here's the song, the explanation follows:
Sometimes in the morning I am petrified and can’t move
awake but can not open my eyes
and the weight is crashing down
on my lungs I know I can’t breath
and hope someone will save me this time
and your mother still calls you insane and high
swearing its different this time
and you tell her to give in, to the demons that possess her
and that god never blessed her inside
then you hang up the phone, and feel badly for upsetting things
crawl back into bed to dream of a time
when your heart was open wide
and you loved things just because like the sink and the…
and sometimes when you’re on
you’re really fucking on
and your friends they sing along and they love you
but the lows are so extreme, that the good seems fucking sheek
and it teases you for weeks in its absence
but you’ll fight and you’ll make it through
you’ll fake it if you have to
and you’ll show up for work with a smile
you’ll be better and you’ll be smarter and more grown up
and a better daughter, or son, and a real good friend
you’ll be awake you’ll be alert you’ll be positive tough it hurts
and you’ll laugh and embrace all your friends
you’ll be a real good listener, you’ll be honest you’ll be brave
you’ll be handsome and you’ll be beautiful
you’ll be happy
shit may be coming in
you’re weak but not givin in
to the crys and the wills of the valley below
and your shit may be coming in
you’re weak but not givin in
and you’ll fight it, you’ll go out fighting all of ‘em
Why did I cry? because this song is the embodiment of my old self. my religious, fake, naive self who only knew the Lord as master and not daddy. This was my life, i didn't know that as a christian i was aloud to be unhappy and let it show. so i would wake up, swallow my honesty and throw my pretty speech around and listen to the cheers and appreciate the looks of approval. the whole time i was desperate for an honest love that would even love me when i was depressed and unhappy. At the time I first heard this song I was on the near side of being broken in major ways. most of my religion had recently been baptized in fire and none survived. When I heard the words of this song, to a militaryesque determined drumline, i saw my sad broken tear stained body laying in front of the pretty, happy smiling shell i had just been smoked out of. i was laying there in all my ugliness laughing/crying hysterically and giving my blank, staring, performance model shell the big f#%k you. I was so relieved that the Lord saw my brokenness, and freed me from the life this song so poignently sings of while still loving me with an overwhelming affection. Amen?
good song, good story, good writting.
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